Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soundtrack of Life

This morning I woke up in one of those hazy states between awake and dreaming, and I heard that repeated note of the beginning of the theme (is it an E?  I don't have a piano nearby to test my theory).  If you ever watch the opening credits and don't skip it, you know the opening melody note that repeats a few times that I am talking about.  I couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from and thought I might be dreaming about Downton when reality hit- it was the sound of the garbage truck in my apartment's parking lot backing up.  Go figure, John Lunn wrote a song that encompasses both upstairs and downstairs at the same pitch as a garbage truck's reverse sound.  Rather splendid, isn't it, that the working class of America gets represented, without I'm sure, Mr. Lunn ever knowing.  Genius.